Ready to Hire: Creating the Perfect Job Posting

A perfect ad will bring you the perfect candidate

Grow. Empower. Elevate.

Welcome Back😊

Last week we talked about looking ahead at our staffing needs for the Fall. Read [here] if you missed it!

Since you have looked ahead at your staffing needs for the upcoming school year, it is now time to write that job posting!

How do you write a job posting that will stand out from other Early Childhood Programs?

Something to think about when writing your job posting is how to make it appealing to your target candidate, and to remember that this is most likely the first time the candidate may be interacting with your company.

Here is what I think about when creating the perfect job posting to connect with my ideal candidate:

  • Why am I hiring for this position and what does the ideal candidate look like?

  • What makes my early childhood program different for the others?

  • Why do people like working for your early childhood program?

  • How is this position a steppingstone for career growth within our organization?

What should be in a job posting?

Creating a clearly written job posting will help you and the candidate know exactly what you are looking for in this position.

Till Next Time,


P.S.Click here for a templet to begin your job ad! You can get all your thoughts down before creating an online post!

P.S.S If you would like some feedback on your job posting, please feel free to reach out [email protected]


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