Leaders Need Self-Care Too!

As a leader, you cannot pour from an empty cup...

Grow. Elevate. Empower.

Welcome Back😊

You have heard flight attendants say, “Put your oxygen mask on first, and then help others put theirs on.” I believe this is not only for when you are on an airplane, but also as a leader. Last week, we celebrated and took care of our employees, now it is your turn! As leaders, we need to invest in ourselves, as much as we invest in our staff.

How are you offering yourself some compassion during these challenging times leading in the early childhood field?

Let’s talk about leadership self-care this week!

What is self-care?

  •  A proactive and intentional way to ensure you are taking care of YOU!

  •  It is an investment in yourself

  • Allows you to model the behavior you want from your team

Self-Care looks different for everyone! As you create your own version of self-care here are some things to think about:

  1. Be Self-aware:

    📓Start journaling -this will allow you to have more direction, purpose, influence, and success.

    📊Gather feedback from others, so that you can look at yourself from their perspective.

    📃Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses: identify what could be improved and where do you need to gain more knowledge to be a better leader.

    🧠Be mindful about how you approach others.

    🤔Welcome other view points.

    💝Do what you say; live your core values!

  2. Set boundaries:

    🚦Define your limits- this can help manage stress.

    🥅Set goals- this will give you a direction in which you lead.

  3. Create a mental and physical routine:

    🌙Plan your day the night before

    ⏱️Time blocking  

    😊Take breaks

    📆 Establish daily routines

     💤Get enough sleep

    🎶 Create a playlist to start your day on an happy energized note

    🎨Spend time on hobbies and with friends

    🧘‍♂️Rest your mind through relaxation and meditation techniques

  4. Give yourself grace:

    🤸Be flexible


 Benefits of creating your own selfcare routine:

  • Be the best version of yourself

  • Be more effective

  • Build better habits

You deserve to feel supported and cared for each day, and that starts with you making yourself a priority. Just remember when you improve how you lead yourself, you will improve how you lead your team!

Here are three books that I would like to recommend that have helped be along my selfcare journey:

Till Next Time,


P.S – Would you like to join a book club for Early childhood Leaders? Click here!

P.P.S. -  Would you like to know what songs are on my get my day stated playlist? Click here


or to participate.