What kind of Meeting is THIS?

When to have a staff meeting and how to ensure it's effective.

Grow. Empower. Elevate.

Welcome back friend👋

Have you ever been in a meeting where you ask yourself why am I here, this could have just been an email, or none of this stuff has anything to do with me? 

I have! I can also think of many other questions that have been going through my head at a meeting that seemed a waste of time and very unengaging.

As a leader you want Grow, Empower, & Elevate your staff 😊  

Let’s talk about having valuable and effective staff meetings!

Oprah Winfrey Meeting GIF by MOODMAN

What type of meeting should this be?

Large group vs. Small group

🦣Large group – To communicate one unified message: Can everyone participate and does everyone need the information?

🐁Small group –A specific group needs to hear the message or give input or help solve the problem.

My 5 Always / Nevers of a staff meeting:



Set a date and time



Waste people valuable time

Create a structure

Allow distractions

Encourage participation & feed back

Be one sided or avoid conflict

Ask questions to clarify


Plan next steps

Leave with out action plan

 When preparing for a meeting, Be Intentional:

1) Ask yourself, what is my purpose of the meeting? You may include things like: information about policy changes, sharing ideas for solving a problem, to make a unified decision or planning an event, and to do have training on a specific topic, motive, teambuilding, or celebrations!

2) Create a structure for the meeting: Have a set agenda and specific roles to help the meeting be successful. Role ideas: Note taker, timekeeper, food creator, icebreaker. This will help take things off you to-do’s and empower others to have ownership to the meeting success.

3)  How will I encourage participation and encourage innovative ideas and feedback: I have two large pieces of paper taped to the wall at the beginning of the meeting and stick notes on the table.  

4) How will you end the meeting: What are the next steps and who is responsible, where can the meeting notes be found, and the next meeting date and time?

My top tools for setting my staff meeting stage:

Today I would like to end with my favorite quote:

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

If you have any comments, questions or problems, please reach out to me with any additional questions - Click here to send me a message

Till Next time,


P.S.  - Would you like meeting agenda sample – Click here⬅️ I will happily share mine with you

P.P.S.- An activity for a staff meeting: Prepare your employees a few days before the meeting and ask them to find our where their name came from or what it means. Have them present it at that meeting as an ice breaker🧊

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