Creating Teacher Spaces

Teachers need space that is theirs outside the classroom...

Grow. Empower. Elevate.

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One of my biggest challenges has been creating spaces where teachers can go to do planning time and take their breaks. As a leader in Early childhood, we tend to use the square footage in the building to accommodate the maximum children. When I was a teacher, I left the center for my lunch break, and planning times didn’t exist, so when renovating or building, I didn’t take into consideration a staff lounge. Over the years, I started to notice teachers not leaving for their lunch break or going to their cars. When we implemented teacher planning times, we didn’t have a designated space to do these.

It is teacher appreciation week, so this is a perfect time to talk about creating staff areas😊

Why are staff spaces important? 

➡️This is a space that is away from the children that allows them to relax, recharge, or disconnect from the classroom for a while during their breaktime, or it can be a place focus and collaborate on lesson planning.

➡️Can help influence and express the center culture.

➡️Increase productivity and generate new perspectives.

Oh My God Omg GIF by CBS

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Where do I start? 

By involving your teachers! This will create excitement and ownership. What a great team building experience this will be😊

  1. Share the idea about wanting to create a staff space though your center communication or at a staff meeting: Ask who would want to help design this space.

  2. Create a staff space design committee.

  3. Schedule a meeting to discuss the purpose of this new or redesigned space, and create a timeline for this space to be completed.

  4. Second meeting: all committee members bring ideas and inspiration to start a vision board and a budget for this project.

  5. Third meeting: finalize ideas, create a list of what supplies are needed, who is responsible for what, and then pick a day and time to start designing!

  6. Finally, put the committees’ ideas into action. Don’t forget to take before and after pictures📸

Here are some things the committee can think about when creating the staff lounge:

📍Location, location, location – Indoors, outdoors, or both?

🤔What tone do you want to set?

🍕How will this area be used by staff? Worktime, lunchtime, or both?

🍎Who will maintain this new environment?

What to consider designing an Indoor v Outdoor Teacher Space:

As a leader by creating this space for your staff you are saying I care, and you are valued and special. Involving your staff in the experience you are saying I want to hear your ideas and would like for you to participate in this project with me. 

Till Next Time,


P.S.— Thank you for being here each and every week. Please consider sharing this newsletter so we can continually grow our community😊




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