Low Staff Morale Got You Down?

Let's boost Employee Morale as a child care director and leader

Grow. Empower. Elevate.

Welcome to Crayons to Clipboards! I am so excited to have you here with me. Today I want to talk about: Employee Morale. Let me set the scene…

I walk into the center early one morning, and I notice a preschool teacher’s body slouch, head shake, and eyes roll. She knows why I am walking into the center at 5:45a.m. -there has been another call out.

I am sure that you each have experienced this either in the role of a teacher or as the Director.

💡Did you know that constant call outs are one of the leading reasons for low employee morale?

💡And that low employee morale is a leading cause of high employee turnover?

With high employee turnover you are at risk for increased negative behavior from the children because of the inconsistency of staffing (which can also lead to employee turnover and unhappy parents.)

Workplaces with a positive morale have many benefits; here are 2 I would like to share!

  • Employees enjoy coming to work which leads to lower turn over

  • With lower turnover your providing consistent care for the children which creates happy parents and positive word of mouth with in the community

So you are asking yourself:

How do you get off this vicious hamster wheel of low employee morale?

My #1 suggestion is to set up ways to measure employee moral to get ahead of this miserable work environment.

Here is one way keep a pulse on building morale:

I create intentional staff surveys!

I design three questions to ask the teachers to get information on how they are feeling in the work place environment. I send our surveys 2x a year unless the need is warranted.

I will construct different questions each time I send out a survey. After I have collected the survey results, I create an action plan and give feedback to the employees; thanking them for taking the time complete the survey and then provide them on the next steps are for improvement on concerns or suggestions.

I find it just as important to relay the positives that come out of each survey. Always celebrate the good- no matter how small!

Want 3 more ways to immediately boost employee morale? 

Don’t worry, I got you!

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